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Find Board and Care & Residential Assisted Living

Waxahachie Texas Call Now 949-278-6181

Aging Gracefully in the Heart of Texas

As we age, our needs and desires change. We may begin to crave a supportive community, engaging activities, and a helping hand with daily tasks. If you or a loved one is considering residential assisted living in Waxahachie, Texas, The Way to Aging can help you navigate this transition with grace and ease.

A Vibrant Tapestry of Life Awaits

Imagine a place where you can savor delicious meals in a friendly dining room, where laughter spills from game nights and exercise classes, and where you can stroll through beautifully landscaped gardens. The Way to Aging offers a vibrant tapestry of life, tailored to meet the needs of each resident. Whether you seek an independent apartment or require assistance with daily living, their dedicated staff is there to ensure your comfort and well-being.

Finding Your Perfect Fit in Waxahachie TX

Nestled in the heart of Waxahachie, The Way to Aging is perfectly positioned to let you enjoy the charm of this historic town. With its quaint shops, lively cultural scene, and proximity to nature, Waxahachie offers the perfect backdrop for an enriching retirement lifestyle. At The Way to Aging, you can embrace the warmth of a close-knit community while staying connected to the wider world.

If you’re considering residential assisted living in Waxahachie, Texas, The Way to Aging is an excellent choice. With their commitment to personalized care, engaging activities, and a vibrant community, they can help you make the most of your golden years. Contact them today to schedule a tour and discover how The Way to Aging can help you age gracefully in the heart of Texas.

Free Consultation Free Senior Placement

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Create a Care Plan

The Way to Aging performs a comprehensive assessment during a virtual or in-home evaluation. This assessment includes; a geriatric depression evaluation, fall risk assessment, self-medication assessment, mini mental state examination (MMSE), activities of daily living (ADLs), and pain and skin assessments as needed. If we determine it’s safe for a senior to stay at home, we create a personalized care plan and work with the family to implement it. Having an independent assessment before hiring a home care agency is an important service for many reasons. It allows families to obtain an unbiased assessment, as well as a baseline. We can also compare the independent assessment with the home care agency’s assessment to ensure they provide the appropriate services. A senior might also need additional services so that they can stay at home, including medication management, physical therapy, and counseling. We’ll discuss these additional resources after the assessment and incorporate them into the care plan.

Seniors Can Stay at Home Safely

With help from our specialists at The Way to Aging, older adults may be able to enjoy aging in their own homes with assistance from a home care agency. Contact us today to discuss this option for yourself or a loved one.  Call Now 949-278-6181

Specialized in Dementia and Elderly Care – FREE SENIOR PLACEMENT