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Professional Help with Memory Care Communities- FREE PLACEMENT

Making the decision to place a loved one in a memory care community in Costa Mesa, CA, is undoubtedly challenging. Often, individuals delay this decision until faced with a crisis that necessitates a rushed choice for placement. During such difficult times, The Way to Aging is here to offer compassionate support and guidance. Our caring specialists understand the complexities involved in transitioning a loved one to memory care and can provide invaluable assistance throughout the process.

Choosing the right memory care community is crucial, especially considering the various types of dementia. Our gerontologist specialist, with prior experience as an executive director for memory care and assisted living communities, possesses in-depth knowledge of the industry. We recognize the importance of matching individuals with communities that specialize in their specific type of dementia and can address unique challenges, including agitation and aggressive behaviors.

Before reaching out to a memory care community, it’s advisable to contact us to ensure you have the right questions and considerations in mind. Our priority is the well-being, comfort, and happiness of our clients. We work diligently to guide clients to reputable memory care communities while advocating for their specific needs. By leveraging our expertise, we strive to make the transition to memory care as smooth as possible, providing personalized support for both the individual and their family.

Call Us Today 949-278-6181

Free Consultation       Free Senior Placement

Family Yolanda Lawler, MASM RCFE Gerontologist Orange County California & Texas
Find Memory Care Home Rancho Santa Margarita

Assessing the Condition of Seniors in Costa Mesa, CA

When an older adult suffers from memory impairment, staying at home might not be an option, and the most appropriate setting for them may be a memory care community. The Way to Aging identifies the best setting for our clients by performing a comprehensive assessment. This assessment includes a mini mental state examination (MMSE), self-medication assessment, geriatric depression evaluation, fall risk assessment, activities of daily living (ADLs), and pain and skin assessments as needed. There are many important reasons to have an independent assessment before placing an older adult. It allows us to obtain an unbiased assessment, and we get a baseline to work from. You can also compare an independent assessment to a community’s assessment to make sure they’re providing the correct services and charging for them accordingly. We also take some considerations into account for memory care options, including the client’s finances, the memory care community’s reputation, their team’s longevity and training, and the services they offer. Care is a separate charge for most communities, so you need to take the higher cost of care for additional services into consideration as you or your loved one’s condition declines. You must also take into account the yearly rent increases. It’s important that the community can care for your loved one through the end of their life to avoid relocating at a later time.

We’re Here to Help Costa Mesa, CA Seniors

Making the decision about a memory care community for a loved one is difficult, but you don’t have to do it alone. Reach out to The Way to Aging today to get caring and professional assistance with the process.  Call Us Today 949-278-6181

Specialized in Dementia and Elderly Care – FREE SENIOR PLACEMENT