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Looking for a Place for Mom or Dad?

In Texas A Board and Care or Residential Facilities home is a licensed 24-hour care property, often situated within a personal residence. These senior living homes provide a comprehensive range of services, including room and board, 24-hour staffing, as well as assistance with essential activities like bathing, dressing, medication management, and other personal care needs.

Before reaching out to a Board and Care facility, we encourage you to contact us first FREE of charge. With expertise in gerontology and a background as the former Executive Director for Assisted Living and Memory Care Facilities, we possess the knowledge to expertly navigate the industry. Our assistance is provided free of charge, allowing us to guide clients to reputable Board and Care options and advocate on their behalf when matching them with a facility that aligns with their specific needs. Our primary focus is on our clients’ well-being, comfort, and happiness, ensuring a seamless and supportive transition to a care setting that suits their individual requirements.

Call Us Today 949-278-6181


senior man and son walking in wooded area

Considerations for Board and Care

When exploring Board and Care options, it’s crucial to take various factors into consideration to ensure the well-being and satisfaction of yourself or your loved one. Here are key considerations:

  1. Finances:
    • Evaluate the overall cost, including room and board, care services, and any additional charges for specialized care.
    • Consider potential future financial implications, such as increased costs for additional services and annual rent adjustments.
  2. Board and Care Reputation:
    • Research the reputation of the Board and Care facility. Seek reviews, testimonials, and feedback from current or past residents and their families.
    • Inquire about any licensing or accreditation that indicates adherence to industry standards.
  3. Team’s Longevity:
    • Inquire about the stability and longevity of the caregiving team. A consistent and experienced staff can contribute to a more supportive and reliable environment.
    • High staff turnover may impact the continuity of care and the resident’s comfort.
  4. Team’s Training:
    • Assess the training and qualifications of the caregiving team. Specialized training in areas such as dementia care or medical support can be crucial.
    • Understanding the team’s expertise ensures that they can address specific needs and challenges.
  5. Services Offered:
    • Clearly understand the services included in the standard fee and any additional services that may incur extra charges.
    • Ensure that the facility provides the necessary level of care and support required by the resident.
  6. Long-Term Care Considerations:
    • Evaluate whether the Board and Care facility can cater to long-term care needs, including end-of-life care. This helps avoid the necessity of moving to another facility later on.
    • Discuss any potential changes in care requirements and how the facility can adapt to evolving needs.

Considering these factors allows you to make an informed decision when choosing a Board and Care option. Taking the time to thoroughly assess these aspects ensures that the selected facility not only meets immediate needs but also aligns with long-term expectations for comfort, care, and financial considerations.

Determining Your Options with a Comprehensive Assessment

In order to identify which setting is best for our clients we perform a comprehensive assessment which includes; Fall Risk Evaluation, Geriatric Depression evaluation, Self-Medication assessment, Activities of Daily Living (ADL’s), Mini Mental State Examination (MMSE), Pain and Skin assessments as needed. Having an independent assessment prior to placing the older adult is important for many reasons:

  • Obtain an unbiased assessment.
  • Obtain a baseline.
  • Compare independent assessment to the assessment done by the community to ensure the correct services are provided and charged accordingly.

Making the decision to place a loved one in a Board and Care is a difficult one; please allow us to help you through these challenging times.  Call Us Today 949-278-6181

Specialized in Dementia and Elderly Care – FREE SENIOR PLACEMENT